
Can we hope for a return to consumption in France? (Wednesday 24th June)

Fragrance Talks: On Wednesday 24th June, Philippe Jourdan, looks back at the third wave of his study and tells us whether we can hope for a return to consumption in France.


#survey #etudes #consommation

The Millenials in search of meaning

Fragrance Talks: 20 min to understand who these young people are in search of meaning.
A digital conference hosted by Philippe Jourdan, Thursday 28th May at 10am.


Published by Promise Consulting – The 28 , April 2020

A survey was conducted on 600 Chinese with the highest incomes to measure the ability of luxury shopping in certain current markets during the second wave of the global pandemic.

#covid19 #china #consommation #survey #shopping #luxury #promiseconsulting #panelontheweb

Can we hope for a return of the French to consumption? (12 May 2020)

Fragrance Talks: 20 min to go through a subject.
On Tuesday, May 12th, the day after the eventual lightening of the containment, Philippe Jourdan will come back on the indicators and will try to answer the following question:

Can we hope for a return of the French to consumption?

Fragrance Talks: 20 minutes to deconfine the economy and assess the recovery of consumption in China

Digital Conference of 6 May 2020

During this talk, Philippe Jourdan gives his deciphering on the main lessons of the first study on the return to consumption carried out in China. If the Chinese seem eager to gradually resume economic, cultural and social activity, the obstacles remain numerous, and the possibility of a black scenario is still possible. Which sectors will benefit from the rebound in China? What are the levers to be activated to surf the recovery? What is the rebound index for the cosmetics sector, including perfume? Let’s share together the robust indicators of our tracking and exchange on the comparative dynamics of the studied activities!


#expertise #consommation #chine

“What makes it more difficult for China’s economy to recover is the ban on travel inside and outside the country.”

The Chinese economy is experiencing a historic downturn, with gross domestic product falling by 6.8% in the first quarter of 2020. This fall casts doubt on Beijing’s ability to meet its annual growth target of 5.5%. Philippe Jourdan, marketing professor and CEO of Promise consulting, comments on these figures on RT France.



Surprise rebound of industry in China, but a black scenario threatens

Published by CHANTAL LE ROUX, 19 APRIL 2020

Promise Consulting, a consulting firm, and Panel On The Web, a marketing, consumer and opinion research institute, surveyed 600 urban Chinese in the top 10% of households with the highest incomes between 26 and 29 April 2020. Three questions were asked as part of an international tracking study on the prospects for a rebound in household consumption worldwide following the #Covid crisis19 :

Frequency with which individuals engaged in a range of economic, cultural and social activities before the Coronavirus crisis.
Slowing down of each of these activities compared to the rate before the Coronavirus crisis.
Anticipation of a return to normality within the next 15 days.


#Coronavirus #France