Exclusivity & Desirability – USA
Intervention by Philippe Jourdan (Promise Consulting) and Luca Solca (Exane BNP) at the EIML (International School of Luxury Marketing).
Intervention by Philippe Jourdan (Promise Consulting) and Luca Solca (Exane BNP) at the EIML (International School of Luxury Marketing).
Contribution of Philippe Jourdan to the white paper to Yann Gourvennec
Kawa Editions
54 pages
ISBN: 978-2-36778-099-3
Release date: September 2016
Contribution of Philippe Jourdan to the white paper
Download: http://79c.fr/livre-blanc/
Components: advice, creation, digital, international group carlin
79C Agency16
Editor: Philippe Jourdan
Articles of Ph. Jourdan, J.-C. Pacitto, H. Turki, F. Sayadi, L. Boujbel, A. Clauzel, C. Riché, M. Vidal, B. Hetet, C.-L. Ackermann, J.-P. Mathieu, I. Abbes and Y. Hallem.
Editor: Philippe Jourdan
Articles of Ph. Jourdan, J.-C. Pacitto, V. Silhouette-Dercourt, L. Carsana, S. Falcy, S. Reydet, M. Ferreira Da Silva, P. Ezan, L. Botti, A. Corne, O. Goncalves, E. Robinot, J. Cusin, J. Passebois Ducros and A. MacLennan.
Philippe Jourdan, Valérie Jourdan, Jean-Claude Pacitto
Book published by KAWA
Available in 6,000 points of sale in France, Belgium and Luxembourg, Fnac network and at Amazon
Available in e-book version
230 pages
ISBN 978-36778-075-7
Kawa Editions
Editor: Philippe Jourdan
Articles of Ph. Jourdan, J.-C. Pacitto, L. Sempé, T. Abid, J.-L. Moulins, A. Vignolles, F. Loose, B. Siadou-Martin, S. Piquet and Ch. Sellen.