Revue Française du Marketing n°259 (1/4)
Rédacteur en chef : Philippe Jourdan
Articles de Th. Albertini, Ph. Jourdan, J.-C. Pacitto, G. Marion, E. Huré, S. Jendoubi Askri, H. Najjar et B. Belkadi.
Rédacteur en chef : Philippe Jourdan
Articles de Th. Albertini, Ph. Jourdan, J.-C. Pacitto, G. Marion, E. Huré, S. Jendoubi Askri, H. Najjar et B. Belkadi.
Contribution de Philippe Jourdan à l’ouvrage de Yan Gourvennec et Hervé Kabla
Editions Kawa
276 pages
ISBN : 978-2-36778-135-8
Date de sortie : Mars 2017
Contribution de Philippe Jourdan à l’ouvrage de Marie-Laure Laville
Editions Kawa
200 pages
ISBN : 978-2-36778-125-9
Date de sortie : Février 2017
Article de Philippe JOURDAN et Jean-Claude PACITTO, dans la Revue Française du Marketing , 2017/n°259.- p. 7-18
Regarding distribution, two marketing strategies are opposed: generalizing the establishment of similar outlets in all countries or promoting local adaptation to consider regional particularities. We are looking at which of these strategies – if any – is the most efficient. For this, we retain, among other factors, the nature of the point of sale («Who am I ? ») and its localization («Where am I ? »). In the end, our explanatory model of penetration concerns four factors, the nature of the points of sale, the geographical area, the relative number of points of sale, and the seniority of the establishment. The results of our model, applied to the market of cosmetic products, argue in favor of an intermediate approach, globalization tinged with local adaptation: the two factors, the nature of the points of sale and their localization, as well as their interaction are explanatory of the penetration of the retailing channels in the studied countries.
Rédacteur en chef : Philippe Jourdan
Articles de Ph. Jourdan, J.-C. Pacitto, M. Ben Ayed, N. El Aoud, D. Vyt, G. Cliquet, H. Najjar, I. Mhaya, I. Ben Jannet et M. Akli Achabou.
Rédacteur en chef : Philippe Jourdan
Articles de Ph. Jourdan, J.-C. Pacitto, S. Belaid, Ph. Breton, J. Lacœuilhe, P. Baudier, Ch. Ammi, G. Séré de Lanauze, B. Siadou-Martin, S.-A. Sauvegrain, F. Fort, M. Padilla et S. Chabi.
Intervention de Philippe Jourdan (Promise Consulting) et Luca Solca (Exane BNP) à l’EIML (Ecole Internationale du Marketing du Luxe).